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Event Summary:

Middle TN Association for Addiction Professionals

Start Date: Monday, September 2, 2024

End Date: Thursday, September 5, 2024

Last Day to Book: Friday, August 23, 2024

Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:

  • Franklin Marriott Cool Springs for 145 USD per night
    Use this link to reserve your room.

Book your group rate for Middle TN Association for Addiction Professionals

2024 Journey Together
Sponsor Exhibitor

This form does not generate a receipt, 
select option below to have receipt emailed 
To gain access to form fields you must
l in
all empty fields that apply
and check each appropriate dialogue box!
When fields are checked for all your selections:
"I agree to Terms and Conditions" 
Must be selected prior to gaining access to selections and then clicking: 
"Go to Checkout Button"

Once selections are completed and
"I agree"
has been selected the process may carry forward.

2024 Journey Together
Sponsor Registration

To gain access to form fields you must fill in each dialogue box
When fields are checked:
"I agree to Terms and Conditions"
 Must be selected prior to gaining access to selections and then clicking: 
"Go to Checkout Button"
*Lunch each day is provided for table staff and conference attendees.
-Lunch for additional table staff WITHOUT conference attendance= $85 (or $30 per day)
-Lunch for additional table staff WITH conference attendance= $150


To gain access to form fields
you must fill in empty field and check each appropriate dialogue box!

Select an option if applicable

*Fill fields below first*

You must check:

                                "I agree to Terms and Conditions"

       to proceed...

Conference Etiquette:  Participants are asked to turn off cell phones when attending sessions or change to a silent signal.  Please step outside the room when responding to a call.

Conference Credits:  Each participant is responsible for recording his or her attendance at workshops and should claim only those hours of credit actually spent in the educational activities.

Completing This Journey Together Conference Registration Form and making Payment is your confirmation that you are registered to attend, including the workshops and lunches you selected in the Registration Process. Join us to learn and network together.

Thanks for submitting!


Use Brochure for Workshops Information


Select Hospitality Workshops Below

Hospitality Workshops Column 1 and 2

Hospitality Suite Staff Attendee Choose only one workshop per time frame:
Hospitality Suite Staff Attendee 1 Choose only one workshop per time frame:


Platinum Staff Lunches Below
Lunches for Platinum Table Staff Attendee 1
Lunches for Platinum Table Staff Attendee 2
Lunches for Platinum Table Staff Attendee 3
Lunches for Platinum Table Staff Attendee 4
Lunches for Gold Table Staff Attendee 1
Lunches for Gold Attendee 1
Lunches for Gold Attendee 2
Lunches for Hospitality Suite Attendee
Lunches for Hospitality Suite Attendee 1


Lunches for Exhibitor Staff Without Attendance

Additional Table Staff

Lunches for Additional Table Staff
Lunches for Gold Attendee 3
Lunches for Silver Attendee
Lunches for Silver Attendee 1
Lunches for Silver Attendee 2

Only click submit once!

Select here to pay for selection

Workshops for Platinum table staff

Use Brochure for Workshops Information

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Platinum Table Staff Choose only one workshop per time frame:
Platinum Table Staff Attendee 1 Choose only one workshop per time frame:
Platinum Table Staff Attendee 2 Choose only one workshop per time frame:

Column 4

Platinum Table Staff Attendee 3 Choose only one workshop per time frame:

Column 5

Platinum Table Staff Attendee 4 Choose only one workshop per time frame:

Workshops for Gold table staff

Use Brochure for Workshops Information

Column 1

Gold Table Staff Choose only one workshop per time frame:

Column 2

Gold Conference Attendee 1 Choose only one workshop per time frame:

Column 3

Gold Conference Attendee 2 Choose only one workshop per time frame:

Column 4

Gold Conference Attendee 3 Choose only one workshop per time frame:

Workshops for Silver table staff

Use Brochure for Workshops Information

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Silver Table Staff Attendee

Silver Table Staff Attendee 1

Silver Table Staff Attendee 2

Silver Table Staff Attendee Choose only one workshop per time frame:
Silver Table Staff Attendee 1 Choose only one workshop per time frame:
Silver Table Staff Attendee 2 Choose only one workshop per time frame:

Workshops for Exhibitor

Use Brochure for Workshops Information

With Attendance

Additional Table Staff With Attendence Choose only one workshop per time frame:

Without Attendance

Additional Table Staff Without Attendence Choose only one workshop per time frame:
Sponsorship Payment Selection
Platinum Staff Workshop Selection
Gold Workshop Selections
Silver Workshop Selections
Hospitality Workshop Selections
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