We as a collective body of Counselors and providers of the Western Region of Tennessee will continue to engage in trainings at one host location to enhance the benefits of CEU hours, and a bridge for networking together as a community of providers of addictions, mental illnesses, and a host of other treatment modalities.
However, we are humbly asking for your support and financial investments to reach our aspirations with the task at hand. This year's goal for the W.T.A.A.D.A.C. region is to develop and implement a LADAC clinic for people who are seeking their LADAC licenses; we also would like to expand this project.
This clinic will comprise of supervision, support along with the of eight domain license requirements for the state board testing. We will be recruiting license QCS's to help make this initiative a reality.
We are also having a 2024 two day W.T.A.A.D.A.C. Conference and we are asking for different levels of investments such as:
Platinum investors/sponsors $3.000 Gold $2.500
Silver$2.000 Bronze$500.00 to $1.500
Each investor will be acknowledged according to their levels. We are looking forward to working with all of you in our future endeavors.
We are having a 2024 two day W.T.A.A.D.A.C. Conference
and we are asking for different levels of investments such as:
Platinum $3,000.00
Platinum investors/sponsors $3.000
Each investor will be acknowledged according to their levels. We are looking forward to working with all of you in our future endeavors.​
Send checks to: 7 150 Millers Glen Way, Memphis, TN 38125
Gold $2.500
Gold $2.500
Each investor will be acknowledged according to their levels. We are looking forward to working with all of you in our future endeavors.
Send checks to: 7150 Millers Glen Way, Memphis, TN 38125
Silver $2.000
Silver $2.000
Each investor will be acknowledged according to their levels. We are looking forward to working with all of you in our future endeavors.
Send checks to: 7 150 Millers Glen Way, Memphis, TN 38125
Bronze $500.00 to $1.500
Bronze $500.00 to $1.500
Each investor will be acknowledged according to their levels. We are looking forward to working with all of you in our future endeavors.
Send checks to: 7 150 Millers Glen Way, Memphis, TN 38125
Reserve your booth for $150.00,
or Sponsor WTAADAC!
Institution / Company:___________________________________________________
City: State: Zip code:_______________________________________________________
Send checks to: 7150 Millers Glen Way, Memphis, TN 38125
Register, Reserve your booth for $150.00 or Sponsor WTAADAC!
For additional information or assistance please contact
Lene' Brown
Phone and email below:
Send checks to: 7150 Millers Glen Way, Memphis, TN 38125